The West Vancouver Municipal Employees’ Association maintains and protects working conditions and a just and reasonable scale of wages, salaries and benefits for WVMEA members. The WVMEA’s History and Constitution are available to members.
If you have any questions about your rights or working conditions, we are here to help. You should have received a copy of the Collective Agreement from your employer, if not please contact us. You can access a copy of your Collective Agreement on-line. Just select the Agreement in the drop-down box in the bottom right corner! When the Association receives a completed ‘Membership Application’ card, it will forward to you a membership package containing a variety of information, along with your membership wallet card. It is important that you carry this card with you at all times, and especially important at Association meetings where identification is essential and your attendance can be recorded. As you will note on the back of the card, there are only five meetings per year.