On behalf of your Executive Board, we are pleased to announce that the WVMEA will be accepting applications for three separate $2,000 scholarships:  the WVMEA Academic Scholarship (formerly known as the Elmer Barnes Scholarship), the WVMEA Trades Scholarship, and the Roy Hunter Memorial Scholarship for the Visual Arts.

The general eligibility requirements for these scholarships are the same, i.e.:

a.  a WVMEA member who is a grade 12 student in a secondary school who is planning to attend a post-secondary institution by the year immediately following the scholarship win, and who was an active, dues-paying member on July 31st in the year of application and has been an active, dues-paying member for a minimum of six months during the preceding twelve-month period,   or

b. a grade 12 student in a secondary school who is planning to attend a post-secondary institution by the year immediately following the scholarship win, and who is a dependent child of a WVMEA member who was an active, dues-paying member on July 31st in the year of application and has been an active, dues-paying member for a minimum of six months during the preceding twelve-month period.

Three separate committees will convene in August of this year to determine the winners of the scholarships.  If you are interested in receiving an information package for either of the three available scholarships, please contact Sandra at the Association office at 604-925-7447.