The Municipal Pension Plan continues to offer online learning and instructor led webinars for members.  Please visit the Municipal Pension Plan Website to view the various topics available for all stages of employment. It is particularly important for those members approaching retirement within 5 years to learn and understand the important decisions that need to be made with regards to their pension.


A quick note for all members: members need to be aware of the rolling five-year window. What this means is that if you started, took a leave, or worked part-time, etc. after April 2002, you have a limit of five years to buy that time back (e.g. if you started work or took a leave in November 2019, your five-year window runs until October 2024 to be eligible to apply to buy back either your probation time or the leave time.) (Note: no contributions are made during the probation period, so, again, a member would have five years to purchase this time back, if they wished.) Please be sure to keep track of this yourself.